2006 - 2007 Cafe Ole, Trenton, NJ
2008 - Perseverance - Mercer County Regional Chamber of Commerce
2009 - 3 Guys ArtWorks, Trenton, NJ
2009 - Art Institute and Gallery, Salisbury, MD, Jurried Exhibit - semi-finalist
2010 - Passover The Euphemia Gallery, Heightstown, NJ
2010 - Princeton Art Attack, Princeton, NJ
2011 - Summer Solace Eupemia Gallery Heightstown, NJ
2015 - Art All Night, Trenton NJ - Jury Award
2015 - Abstract Room, Jim Thorpe, PA 2013
2015 - Anita Shapolsky Foundation, Jim Thorpe, PA
2016 - art expo - new york, ny
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